How to apply for Erasmus+ and Mevlana Programs ?

This part of the blog is mainly dedicated for the students who want to apply for Erasmus program and Mevlana exchange programs at Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University (KTMU). However, Erasmus is supported at many other Universities as well. So, it may be helpful for other University students as well J Erasmus Program logo Erasmus + exchange program ( The application procedure ) : Erasmus+ exchange program The Erasmus Programme . Erasmus stands for - E u R opean Community A ction S cheme for the M obility of U niversity S tudents. It is is a European Union (EU) student exchange programme established in 1987. Erasmus+ , or Erasmus Plus, is the new programme combining all the EU's current schemes for education, training, youth and sport, which was started ...