
Showing posts from February, 2018

How to apply for Erasmus+ and Mevlana Programs ?

  This part of the blog is mainly dedicated for the students who want to apply for Erasmus program and Mevlana exchange programs at Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University (KTMU).  However, Erasmus is supported at many other Universities as well. So, it may be helpful for other University students as well  J   Erasmus Program logo     Erasmus + exchange program (  The application procedure ) :         Erasmus+ exchange program  The  Erasmus Programme  . Erasmus stands for -  E u R opean      Community  A ction  S cheme for the  M obility of  U niversity  S tudents.        It is  is a  European Union  (EU) student exchange programme  established in 1987.  Erasmus+ , or Erasmus Plus, is the new programme combining all the EU's current schemes for education, training, youth and sport, which was started ...

My experience as an exchange student in Turkey

Welcome, friends  to my blog where I promote studying abroad, learning foreign languages and travelling based on my own experiences. Hope u find it helpful 😊  In this blog I share about my experience as an exchange student in Turkey at Middle East Technical University. I have decided I will tell  you in another blog about my experience of exploring Turkey. This one is dedicated only to studying experience in Turkey.  Studying abroad has become so much more accessible today  than before. There is quite a big number of exchange programs and scholarships that allow students to study in a foreign country,  It is an amazing experience which allows one to explore different culture, go out of comfort zone and make worldwide friends. I also decided to apply for such programs supported by my University. Turns out we have two exchange programs : Erasmus+ and Mevlana. I will tell about application to these programs i...